CEMR Task force on Migration and Integration

New resolution on migration and the Lampedusa Charter

Over the past months the task force has been working on the new CEMR Resolution on the Migration Pact and during the last meeting with the UCLG discussed also the Lampedusa charter and our potential engagement in the process.

The work of the CEMR Task Force on Migration and Integration continues behind the scenes. After several months of work, we agreed on a common draft for a  resolution paper on the role of local and regional governments in the new EU legislative framework on migration and inclusion of third country nationals. The draft of the paper has been approved in November during the Secretaries Generals and Directors meeting, and it will continue its path towards the next Policy Committee on the 20 January.

The importance of this paper resides in the potentiality of lobbying to the national governments asking for more engagement of the LRGs in the policymaking process regarding the welcoming and inclusion of Third Country Nationals and citizens with a migration background.

On 29 November, the CEMR Task force on migration and integration held an exchange of views with the United Cities of Local Governments (UCLG) on the Lampedusa Charter. The task force discussed whether to adopt the Charter and investigated the possibility to take part in the ongoing consultation on its content. Fatima Fernandez, from UCLG presented the initiative to the task force.

By forming the #LampedusaCharter the UCLG has taken the responsibility to shape a renewed global commitment to migration and displacement that fully represents shared values and portrays our diversity. The Lampedusa Charter proposes different perspectives on the inclusion of newcomers and the meaning of the local citizenship. UCLG calls for regional consultations on the Charter and invites CEMR members to have their say in the process along with civil society, migrant communities and other actors involved in migration governance! The consultations are open to all the associations until the end of January 2022.

To participate to the process with ideas or inputs you can write to mariagrazia.montella@ccre-cemr-org>.